Thursday, September 25, 2008

An Unsolicited Vent

I understand that this blog is for posting event ideas, but how about thoughts in general. I logged on for the first time tonight in my hotel here in Killeen, TX to find an unfortunate ad. Of course, this is not Dorian's fault, or any one's fault for that matter; it just happened to be the movie that was advertised in the upcoming movies block. The advertised trailer was for a movie called "The God Who Wasn't There", which is a documentary attempting to prove that Christianity is simply a crutch for the weak based solely on a fairy tale full of holes. The influx of media into the everyday lives of billions around the world is likely the greatest avenue for the purposes of God to people who are otherwise wholly disconnected from all things godly. The dark and heartbreaking antithesis to this is that it is also the greatest avenue for the purposes of Satan to all people--no person is safe. We would all agree that Satan was and is fully involved in the production and distribution of this film and I cringe to think how many people will watch that ad, those who are riding the fence between belief and disbelief, and succumb to the not-so-subtle urgings of Satan. The divide between the churched and the unchurched is not only getting deeper and wider, but the two divisions are each becoming better schooled in their thought. Satan's armies are getting more and more aggressive in their attacks, not holding anything back. We have to always be on the offensive. Scripture says that we must be ready to defend our faith. Have you thought recently about how you would defend your faith if someone challenged you on, let's say, the authenticity of scripture, the deity of Christ, the eternality of God, or simply the existence of God, Himself? I know our class is about communication within a Christian marriage, which is hugely important and I am really looking forward to it. That being said, and this applies to me as much as anyone (of course), we have to guard ourselves very closely against becoming too comfortable within the confines of our group, discussing a topic that is sure to make us feel good. While we are comfortable, Satan is looking for someone to devour. This includes each one of us. Sorry for the rant, but that movie trailer got me a bit steamed. My challenge to all of us: Let us never be comfortable with our current level of faith in God or understanding of God. Now I'm going to bed -- good night!


Rawr said...

Yeah, so Man tries again to disprove God and put him in a box, yet another futile effort. First there was the uprising and massive commotion about "The Davinci Code" being made into a movie... and then "The Golden Compass"... I'm sure there are others, including the film Travis has commented on. I know it's just my opinion, but the world we live in is just that - the world. A world without God is intimidated by the things of God, and so in thier fear they try to disproved or cancel out the very thing that could save thier lives - and yes, I believe that is controlled by Satan himself.

However, we work and operate in that same world. We are vessels of light in a dark place. And whether we are at work or contributing on a community blog that makes money by posting ads or movie marketing on thier website, we have to come to grips with the fact that we will see this stuff, and so will our children for that matter.

I do my best to see the world view. I want to know what the world thinks and what thier opinions are. I want to know this so that I understand thier point of view and have discussions with them that are informed, educated and thought out.

I saw Golden Compass, I still want to see Davinci Code, maybe we should get together and go watch The God Who Wasn't There and get informed. I want to know thier angle, that way I can be ready for the hard questions.

Remember, God is bigger than Man. Man is small. Tiny minds. As the Hulk would say "Puny little human..."

Mike Drew said...

This movie may end up being another in a long line that attempts to cast doubt on the God of the Bible. The fact is that it is the entire world system that is opposed to God and seeks to continually do the work of the god of this world (Satan).

I am not a big fan of thinking I have to become an "expert" on every new twist of misinformation that the enemy puts out, in order to reach people. What's far more important than being able to discuss a movie or another religion or philosophy is to have a biblical understanding of the gospel. Without the gospel, there's no Christian reason to reach a person or to answer the hard questions they bring up. It's okay to have a common point where you can begin a conversation (think Paul's sermon on Mars Hill , Acts 17:22-34), but what makes us relevant is not that we know what they know--it's that we know Him.

It's the gospel--that sounds simple, but it's my belief that much of what contemporary Christianity struggles with is having an incomplete or distorted view of the gospel. We are relevant because we have the only message that can save those who are lost. Our primary business must be knowing and sharing that message.