Monday, October 27, 2008

Girls Night Out!

This post is for all the young married if you are the husband reading this, please let your lovely wife know! I thought it would be a good idea if we had a "Girls Night Out" event where we could hang out one evening with each other, doing girl things (go to a Chick flick & dinner, or a craft night, or manicures & pedicures with sweets at my place...). We ask our wonderful husbands to be pink & blue for a night and watch the kids! We love you for it!! So, if this sounds good, lets do it! It will be a great opportunity for us all to get to know each other better. We have a lot in common...let's find out what those commonalities are! Possible dates include: Nov. 7th, 8th, 22nd or we could look into doing it in Dec. if Nov. does not work. Lets have some Godly fun girls!


Mike Drew said...

Sounds great!! let's get a consensus of a good date.

Kayla Drew said...

Sounds great let get a consensus of a good date.

dorian said...

THis response for Robbyn. This weekend works - we have nothing planned. Let Robbyn know . 678-414-2778.